Futuristic Car Wash features the most advanced car wash technology and chemicals in the country. It sets us apart from the “normal” car wash’s you are used to.
Aside from our Tunnel wash, we offer 24 hour do-it-yourself coin bays. Four of the coin bays can fit Semi and box trucks. We have 13 FREE vacuums to vacuum out your car plus 5 FREE Mat Cleaners to clean your mats. We also have 5 super Vacuums in the rear of the property that are in operation 24/7 for only $1. We have smiling faces to help you out when needed also.
From Do it yourself Coin Bays that can fit everything from a mini car to a standard semi truck. FREE Mat Machines to get that dirt out of your Mats. FREE Vacuums that are powerful enough to pick up that pesky dirt. State of the art Tunnel equipment that cleans and polishes your car.